"Meet the Professional"

"Meet the Professional" was the activity organized at Natural and Human Sciences Department at the University "Fan s. Noli", Korçë.
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Training - Korça CodeLab Clubs (CLC)


Wishing to expand the knowledge on coding, programming, computational thinking and digital civic approach, CodeLab Clubs are progressing in the selected schools in Korca. Next week, the training activities will be organized in the premises of Korca Business Incubator. The infrastructure is very modern there, with capacities for 25 students to attend. Common spaces for work and conferences are made available for the students.

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Training - CodeLab Club - "Faik Konica" High School


In the framework of the project “Korça CodeLab Clubs (CLC) for Democracy Change Makers! funded by the Democracy Commission Small Grants Program of the US Embassy in Tirana, the first Code Club training session took place today in “Faik Konica” high school in Korca.

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Training - CodeLab Club - "Fan S. Noli" TIK School


The CodeLab Club of “Fan S. Noli” – TIK school in Korca organized the first training session today with the online program “Khan Academy”.

The training session took place at the Informatics lab of the school where students as assisted by trainers were first signed up and set their accounts in order to proceed with the first steps of the training.

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