Title of Project: "3P for Easy Parking and Investments".
Feasibility Study and full implementation of project.
LGU: Korce Municipality
Supported by AssistImpact/USAID
The project accomplished the objectives as below:
· Developed an integrated public and private parking network that will manage flexibly the changes in demand for parking without negatively affecting the environment, traffic or people’s movements;
· Provided facilities of car parking without weakening the urban traffic in the affected areas;
· Provided parking which is affordable to full-time residents and car-owners who live in the designated parking zone areas;
· Supervised and managed the balance between the demand for and the supply of street parking in order to ensure that suitable volume of parking space are available;
· Encouraged actively in minimizing the negative effect on environment establishing this parking and other facilities in order to encourage the use of alternative transport means (public transport, bicycles, walking).