Title of the project: "Civic Index for Quality Public Education” for Korca Region. Research and recommendations for improvements".
Supported by the Democracy Commission Small Grants Program, Public Affairs Section of U.S. Embassy, Tirana, Albania.
The project has been successful in achieving its main goal for measuring the civic involvement of the community in supporting the public schools and offer solutions for the existing problems of the public education in Korca Region.
The project achieved its main goal by examining the performance of the education elements through the survey.
658 individuals divided into 10 specific categories were interviewed during the survey.
This was an important process of screening and transparency to identify the situation in the public schools related to the quality of education in public schools of Korca Region and main concerns.
This report provided to the administration, as the primary actor involved in education and the society in general, a lot of information about the situation in public schools. The report also gives a lot of advice and suggestions so the individuals involved in the study on how they may improve the actual situation and also it prepared the proper “ground” for further initiatives depending on our action plan.
The project has built a stronger civic involvement to improve education and to have better schools for all children in the Korca Region.