October, 2019 to March, 2020


Supported by: ProSEED/GIZ

Implemented by: Foundation Regional Development Agency (RDA) Korca


The programme’s objective is: Boosting employment of the skilled workforce and self-employed, especially, of skilled youth, in the Albanian labour market. 


The target group of the programme is youth aged 19 – 34; and it has currently five components: 

The first component, “Vocational Education and Training” (TVET), aims to enhance the quality of vocational training and education and to match the labour market demands.

The second component, “Promotion of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises” (MSMEs), aims at building MSMEs capacities to generate economic growth with positive effects in employment, with an eye on improving growth conditions that have an impact on employment and the increase of supply and demand for skilled workers.

The third component, “Social participation of youth and minorities”, aims to support civil society social initiatives, focusing on the marginalized youth and teenagers. 

The fourth component, “Strategies and frameworks for regional development, economic growth and employment”, aims at enhancing conditions for the implementation of relevant strategies and projects within selected ministries and their subordinate institutions.

The fifth area of action (component) aims to support and strengthen the Start-up-Eco-System in Albania fostering innovative new business models.


The intervention aims to have following specific objectives:

      Specific Objective 1:To identify, assess and enroll in the training and support measures  of unemployed marginalized youth and minorities aged 19-34 years old. From this group 40% will be women and 30% of the  participants will be returnd emigrants.

Specific Objective 2: To establish cooperation between the local businesses, Labour Office, Local Government structures and GIZ relevant projects and its partners for identification of trainees and referral in the support measures.

Specific Objective 3: To identify 15 (30% of the beneficiaries) NEETreturned emigrants and to be included in the project as beneficiaries.

Specific Objective 4: Providing support to 50 participants for improving their access to the labour market through mentoring, coaching and supporting their participation to formal and non-formal VET and start-up courses

Specific Objective 5: Ensure the implementation of the visibility actions, products and  promotionalactivitiesto achieve the overall Objective(s) of the intervention and in line with GIZ ProSEED guidelines.  



The project activities are addressed to :

- 50 marginalized Youth and minorities aged 19-34 years old;

- 40% will be young women;

- 15participants (30%) will be returned emigrants.

