Training with the municipal staffs of Devoll and Korça

In the framework of the project “Strengthen democracy and rule of law by empowering citizens and civil society through participatory processes in governance” supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Albania, R.D.A Korca in cooperation with Sui Juris Center organized today the training on: Law 119/2014 “On the Right of Information” and the other topic on “Local taxes and tariffs”.

The training was organized for the municipal staffs of Korca and Devolli municipalities aiming to inform and improve their work. The aim of the training is to support and increase of capacities for the municipal staffs as well as increase and improve the quality of services for the citizens.

The training was divided into two sessions, where the Law on the Right of Information was discussed during the first session, and the Law on Local Taxes and Tariffs was covered in the second one, considerieng even the experience of municipal clerks who participated in the training.

Transparency is one of the essential elements that should be ensured for the citizens and it implies sharing information and activities of institutions publicly.

Public institutions should make it available in time and details for the citizens in order to make a more efficient use of it. 

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